Malang Gastroenterohepatologi Update (MGU 2011)
12 – 13 Pebruari 2011
Hotel Santika Malang
1. Bentuk Kegiatan
Kegiatan ilmian ini terdiri dari:
A. Simposium.
Simposium terdiri dari morning symposium, lunch symposium, Scientific symposium dan panel disccusion, dengan topik pilihan sebagai berikut:
1. Laboratory and Molecular Diagnosis of Viral Hepatitis
- Proteins of hepatitis B and C: it’s role in clinical practice
- Clinic-pathological diagnosis of chronic hepatitis-liver fibrosis
2. Up-date management of hepatitis- B:
3. Up-date management of hepatitis- C
4. Hot and New Topics In Hepatitis B
- Immune Modulatory Treatment: When to Use Interferon?
- Advantage and disadvantage of interferon in hepatitis B management
5. Reversible of Liver Fibrosis:
- Tissue damage, inflammation and liver fibrosis
- Integrating Herbal and Western Medicine for liver fibrosis
- Reversibility of Liver fibrosis: it is all rationally?
6. Vaccination for hepatitis
- Vaccination for hepatitis-A
- The long-term impact of vaccination against Hepatitis B
- Therapeutic vaccination for chronic Hepatitis C
- Vertical transmission - what’s the immunization for the baby?
7. Parenteral nutrition (total and partial): How to choose the right choice
8. Colorectal Carcinoma: screening, diagnosis and management
9. Pancreatitis (acute/chronis): diagnosis and management
10. IBD-basic and management
- Role of Selective COX-2 inhibitors (Coxibs) in maintenance for UC and CD
11. Pediatric gastroenterohepatology
- Dyspepsia in children - what’s and how?
- Hepatitis in pediatric patients
12. Novel Strategy for the management of HCC
- Molecular Pathogenesis of HCC
- Imaging diagnosis of HCC
- Current and emerging Molecular Targeted for Therapy in HCC
13. Role of antibiotic in emergencies gastrohepatologic cases
- Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis – New Guidelines
- Varicel bleeding management - role of antibiotics
14. Non-variceal bleeding
- Etio-pathogenesis of non-variceal bleeding
- Predisposing factor and diagnosis of non-variceal bleeeding
- Management - new consensus
15. Variceal bleeding management
- Primary and secondary prevention.
- Role of octriotide in management of acute variceal bleeding
- Role of Tranexamide acid in management of acute variceal bleeding
16. Probiotic : not just another magic phill
- Current evidence probiotic in intestinal-hepatology
- Intestinal disorders : diarrhea, constipation, IBD,IBS
- Hepatologic disorders : hepatic encephalopathy
17. Albumin: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Metabolism of albumin
- Is there still a need albumin infusions to treat patients with liver disease?
18. NAFLD & Metabolic Liver Diseases – current issues
- Does NAFLD patients predispose to Diabetes Mellitus
- NAFLD and Obesity- battle of the bulge
- Drug therapy in NAFLD – what’s new?
19. Helicobacter Pylori: where are you?
- Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori Infection
- How to test for Helicobacter pylori
- Management of Helobacter pylori
20. Dan lain-lain
B. Plenary Lecture, direncanakan disampaikan oleh PB pusat Jakarta.
C. Diskusi Panel, yang berisi pembahasan interaktif tatalaksana suatu penyakit atau kasus sulit bersama para pakar dari berbagai pusat pendidikan.
D. Presentasi karya ilmiah. Karya ilmiah berupa hasil penelitian yang terkait dengan ilmu Gastroenterohepatologi, dan akan dilombakan untuk mendapatkan ”MGU award”. Karya ilmiah yang dilombakan terbatas pada hasil penelitian yang disertai full-text. Presentasi hanya dalam bentuk oral (bukan poster) selama kurang lebih 15 menit dengan juri pakar gastroenterologi, pakar hepatologi dan pakar metodologi penelitian
E. Pameran.
Pada acara ini terdapat 14 stan pameran, yang menyajikan perkembangan ilmu kesehatan dari sisi farmasi, alat-alat dan buku-buku kesehatan. Stan pameran ini dapat berupa informasi:
1. Pharmaceutical product
2. Medical product
3. Medical literature
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