1. Symposium , terdiri dari Morning Symposia, Core Scientific Symposia, and Scientific Symposia, dengan topik pilihan sebagai berikut :
a. Stress Related Mucosal Diseases (SRMD): Consideration of Current Medication Prophylaxis
- Patogenesis and diagnosis of Stress Related Mucosal Diseases
- What ‘s the best: PPI, H2 receptor antagonist or cytoprotection for the prevention of SRMD in critically ill Patients?
b. How to Manage Mucosal Lesion
- Increasing Defensive Factors with Mukoprotector Combination to Manage Mucosal Lesion
- Consensus Management Therapy for NSAID Induced Mucosal Lesi.....
c. Problematical Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Pregnant Patients
- Pregnancy and Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection : Obstretic Prespective
- Preventi on of HBV Transmission to the Newborns of HBsAg-Positif Mothers
d. Antituberculosis Drugs Induced Hepatitis
- Mechanisms and Immunogenesis of Hepatotoxicity Antituberculosis drug
- Management of antituberculosis drugs induced hepatitis
e. NASH and Risk of Future Cardiovascular Events
- Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Risk of Future Cardiovascular Events Among Type 2 Diabetic Patients
- When and how should the Management of NASH be started?
f. Noninvasive Tests for Liver Fibrosis : Is Liver Biopsy Obsolete?
- Non Invasive markers of Liver Fibrosis in Chronic Viral Hepatitis
- Role of Serum marker in detection and monitoring progression of Chronic Viral Hepatitis
g. Hepatocellular Carcinoma : Chance for Systemic Chematheraphy in Development Countries
- Does Antiviral Theraphy for Hepatitis B and C prevent HCC?
- HCC : Chance for Systemic Chemotheraphy in Development Countries
h. What's New in GERD and Functional Gastroduodenal Disorders?
- Comprehensive Treatment of GERD (Heals, Resolves and Protects)
- Current issue : Psychosocial Aspects of the Functional Gastroduodenal Disorders
i. The Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Ulcerative Colitis
- The Role of Cyclooxygenase-2 in Ulcerative Colitis-Associated Neoplasia
- Recent Advances in The Management of Ulcerative Colitis
3. Diskusi Panel, yang berisi pembahasan interaktif tatalaksana suatu penyakit atau kasus sulit bersama para pakar dari berbagai pusat pendidikan, Pada kesempatan kali ini topik yang akan dibahas adalah "Recent Surgical and Non-Surgical Management of Hemoroids"
4. Presentasi Karya Ilmiah,Karya ilmiah berupa hasil penelitian yang terkait dengan ilmu Gastroenterohepatologi, dan akan dilombakan untuk mendapatkan ”MGU award”. Karya ilmiah yang dilombakan terbatas pada hasil penelitian yang disertai full-text. Presentasi hanya dalam bentuk oral (bukan poster) selama kurang lebih 15 menit dengan juri pakar gastroenterologi, pakar hepatologi dan pakar metodologi penelitian
5. PameranPada acara ini terdapat 12 stan pameran, yang menyajikan perkembangan ilmu kesehatan dari sisi farmasi, alat-alat dan buku-buku kesehatan. Stan pameran ini dapat berupa informasi:
1. Pharmaceutical product
2. Medical product
3. Medical literature
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